Sunday, November 27, 2011

Found: SCD Legal Hot Dogs and Chicken Broth

On a trip to Whole Foods today, I found a few items that might be helpful for convenience eating (or at least as convenient as it gets when you are on SCD).  

The first is Imagine Free Range Organic Chicken Broth.  Not only are all the ingredients SCD friendly, but it is also organic and free range, both of which have been suggested to help enhance the effects of the SCD (see this website for more details on that).  Chicken Broth is a mandatory part of the first few days of SCD, and a great base for soups as you move through the phases.

Additionally, I found a fun addition to my diet- Applegate Organic Uncured Beef Hot Dogs have all SCD legal ingredients and will be a great addition to my dinner rotation-  I almost can't wait for a nice warm fall day so I can grill a few up!  I will be making SCD legal ketchup to go along with them for sure, as well as using some French's Mustard (also SCD legal). 


  1. Thanks, Susan! Sorry I have been absent for a bit, but I promise more to come!

  2. Hello,
    I enjoy your blog but I was wondering if you have received a letter from Imagine regarding their chicken broth? I would like to use it but want to make sure it's completely legal.
